AboutThoseReimers book final_oct18_Iryna_page_0345_Fotor

On the left is the house where Elizabeth was born, 1925. Caption of this newspaper photo (from the Carillon Dec. 3, 1975): The old H.W. Reimer Store in Steinbach just before it was broken down after closing permanently in January, 1964. This was Steinbach’s oldest business, established in 1886 by the late Henry W. Reimer. At the time of its last remodelling in 1914, the store, with 17,600 square feet, had no equal size in rural Manitoba and only a few stores in Winnipeg were larger or better stocked. For 75 years, the store was an institution familiar to practically everyone in southeastern Manitoba. Its exit from the scene was particularly painful to dozens of oldtimers who spent long hours around the ‘cracker barrel’ in the corner in the hardware department and who found the post office a poor substitute after the store was gone

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